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Roni Robbins’ “Hands of Gold” explores and celebrates one man’s soul

At the suggestion of his daughter, nursing home resident Sam Fox records his life story. “Now where to being with this taping for Eliza? I was a decent man, I suppose.” In that “I suppose,” author/journalist Roni Robbins sets in motion the engaging but unreliable narrator in Hands of Gold, subtitled One Man’s Ouest to the Find the Silver Lining… Read More »Roni Robbins’ “Hands of Gold” explores and celebrates one man’s soul

Robbins Recounts Her Grandfather’s ‘Hands of Gold’

The struggles encountered by Samuel and Hannah in “Hands of Gold” were a product of the times, making it out of Hungary and landing in Canada before sneaking across the border to New York in the early 1900s. Granted, we have struggles of our own in these more modern times, but nothing like what Samuel and Hannah experienced. The constant… Read More »Robbins Recounts Her Grandfather’s ‘Hands of Gold’

Robbins’ New Novel Finds Silver Lining in Misfortune

Roni Robbins new novel was inspired by her grandfather’s recorded memories that weave together a family’s history over much of the last hundred years. Twenty-seven years ago, Roni Robbins inherited a well-worn cardboard box with ten audio tape cassette recordings of her grandfather, Simon Farkas. These tapes contained reminiscences of Farkas’s long life, told over a two-year period, before he… Read More »Robbins’ New Novel Finds Silver Lining in Misfortune

Life at the Deathbed: Hospice Nurse Uses TikTok to Teach About Dying

Hospice Nurse Julie, as she is known on TikTok, didn’t start out trying to be a social media star. Julie McFadden, RN, BSN, told Medscape Medical News she was just trying to normalize death and dying, taking the fear out an often-taboo subject, particularly in life’s last moments. The result, however, has put her in the spotlight. Six months ago, McFadden started posting… Read More »Life at the Deathbed: Hospice Nurse Uses TikTok to Teach About Dying

My Dog Has a GPS

July was a tough month for our dog Scout. It started when we went away for the July 4 weekend to a family wedding in New York that twice had been rescheduled because of the pandemic. To find the right petsitter, I put out feelers on Nextdoor and screened candidates until I found what seemed a perfect fit. Then we… Read More »My Dog Has a GPS